Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Photoshop & Siggy Making
I have a playgroup online I've posted on since I was pregnant with Chan. It's at ivillage.com and I've made a lot of good "internet" friends with kids born the same month as Chandler. There are options to add a personal signature on the end and I've always had other people make them for me. Marshall bought the creative suite about a year ago as he has a bunch of graphic design classes and he wanted to be able to do homework at home instead of going up to the school all of the time. One of the programs is Photoshop CS2. I'd never really gotten to know it but today Chandler napped for almost 4 hours and I figured I would start learning. It's a lot of fun but frustrating at the same time. Anyways, here is my end "siggy" that I came out with. Hopefully I will start getting better & it won't take me 2 hours to do one signature :)

Friday, September 21, 2007
Monthly Dr. Visit & more
I had a dr.'s appt this morning. I love going in the morning because it seems like I am in and out in about 20 minutes which was nice. There are 3 OB's in the practice that I go to so I saw one today I haven't seen yet, but I know him from working up in the Mother Baby Unit at the hospital. I didn't think that I really had any questions, but he asked if I'd had indigestion or heart burn. I told him I'd had a lot of indigestion and told him I'd been having pain right below my chest. He said it was my stomach acting up and if it got to the point where it was keeping me up at night he would put me on Zantac. (sp?) I just assumed that this was part of the territory with this pregnancy. I'm going to wait it out and see how this month goes. I have been waking up a good amount at night because my stomach hurts so bad. Tums helps sometimes but Maalox tends to make me nauseated and I end up throwing it back up. I have my glucose test in 2 weeks so I hope that goes well. As always, I love hearing the "woosh, woosh, woosh" when they put the doppler on. That's a great sound.
I was pleasantly surprised to weigh in at 150, meaning I have only put on 4 lbs in the last month, bringing my total weight gain to 10 lbs. I just hope I don't get up to 190 like I did with Chan. That's hard on the knees! I say all of this as I have just finished eating a bag of sour punch bites & tons of cookie dough. Knock on wood!
Chan & I went to the park the other day while waiting for Marshall to get off work. He's just such a cute kid I can't help but take lots of pictures of him. Marshall is busy busy and it seems like we don't see him a lot. He's working 30 hours a week and has 17 credits. He's superman if you ask me!

I started bowling last week on the ladies league with my mom. There are 3 to a team and it's a fun outlet for me. I have my own ball & bowling shoes so you could pretty much say I am a professional....lol - yeah right. My average tends to be right around 120 which isn't wonderful, but isn't horrible either. I did bowl a 157 yesterday on my first game which was fun. At one point, I got into it a little too much because I think I pulled my groin muscle on the right side. It's really sore today and really hurts to walk. That awesome bowling score was worth it though :) My high is just over 200 which I bowled 2 years ago, maybe I'll be able to do that again someday!
And other news.....we are getting a 2nd vehicle!! Well, something that runs anyway, lol. We've only ever had one car, so I'm somewhat used to be stranded at home most of the time. I had a feeling that I was going to go a little stir crazy this winter being at home all the time with 2 kids. Marshall's days start at 7 or 8 every morning and I have no desire to pull a 2 year old & a newborn out of the car to take him to school/work so I can have the car. Yesterday my mom mentioned that my dad had bought a new truck and they were selling the old one. I immediately hopped on it and asked how much they wanted for it. We got a great deal (thanks mom & dad)! It's a 1991 GMC....uhm....don't know the model, lol. It's a small 2 wheel drive truck that runs. It runs - that's all I care about. We are going to have to put new tires on it but that is a-ok with me.
My mom came up to watch Chandler today while I went to my dr.'s appointment and even cleaned my apartment while she was here. How nice...I know. We went to lunch and chased Chandler around a couple stores, fun fun.
I also thought I would share this video of Chandler. We have this cheap baby heart monitor that I've never gotten to work, but Chandler thought it was pretty cool. You listen through headphones and if you put in on your belly, it is supposed to pick up the baby's heartbeat. We didn't get a heartbeat, but Chandler heart my tummy digesting and got a couple kicks out of the baby. Cute stuff.
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Oh and him with his "baby" that Marshall bought him. It is the ugliest, scariest thing & Chan is fascinated with it!
I was pleasantly surprised to weigh in at 150, meaning I have only put on 4 lbs in the last month, bringing my total weight gain to 10 lbs. I just hope I don't get up to 190 like I did with Chan. That's hard on the knees! I say all of this as I have just finished eating a bag of sour punch bites & tons of cookie dough. Knock on wood!
Chan & I went to the park the other day while waiting for Marshall to get off work. He's just such a cute kid I can't help but take lots of pictures of him. Marshall is busy busy and it seems like we don't see him a lot. He's working 30 hours a week and has 17 credits. He's superman if you ask me!

And other news.....we are getting a 2nd vehicle!! Well, something that runs anyway, lol. We've only ever had one car, so I'm somewhat used to be stranded at home most of the time. I had a feeling that I was going to go a little stir crazy this winter being at home all the time with 2 kids. Marshall's days start at 7 or 8 every morning and I have no desire to pull a 2 year old & a newborn out of the car to take him to school/work so I can have the car. Yesterday my mom mentioned that my dad had bought a new truck and they were selling the old one. I immediately hopped on it and asked how much they wanted for it. We got a great deal (thanks mom & dad)! It's a 1991 GMC....uhm....don't know the model, lol. It's a small 2 wheel drive truck that runs. It runs - that's all I care about. We are going to have to put new tires on it but that is a-ok with me.
My mom came up to watch Chandler today while I went to my dr.'s appointment and even cleaned my apartment while she was here. How nice...I know. We went to lunch and chased Chandler around a couple stores, fun fun.
I also thought I would share this video of Chandler. We have this cheap baby heart monitor that I've never gotten to work, but Chandler thought it was pretty cool. You listen through headphones and if you put in on your belly, it is supposed to pick up the baby's heartbeat. We didn't get a heartbeat, but Chandler heart my tummy digesting and got a couple kicks out of the baby. Cute stuff.
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Oh and him with his "baby" that Marshall bought him. It is the ugliest, scariest thing & Chan is fascinated with it!
Sunday, September 16, 2007
23 Weeks
So I've been taking belly shots since 16 weeks but have yet to post them. Here are some that are from today (23 weeks 1 day), and the last picture is 24 weeks with Chandler. I don't have a 23 week pic w/Chan. I think my weight gain is about the same, 12 lbs so far, but I feel like I look bigger this time around and am carrying this little guy higher. I can't believe I'm on the downhill! Only 16 weeks & 6 days left! (Give or take a few :) )

Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Gus Gus!
So it's funny trying to explain to Chandler where the baby is. Sometimes he looks at me like I'm crazy, and sometimes I think he's really getting it. He's not talking too much right now, although I think he & Geoff could communicate in Russian because that's what "Chandler's talk" sounds like. On occasion, he's started calling the baby Gus Gus! I ask him where the baby is and he lifts up his shirt, points to his belly, and says Gus gus! LOL, it's pretty cute. Today when I asked him where the baby was, he lifted up my shirt and put his ear on my belly like he was trying to listen. Then he decided he wanted to kiss the belly. Big mistake! After smiling at me sweetly and saying something I didn't understand, he bit me as hard as he could! Now I have a nice welt on my belly. Too bad the baby wasn't active, he could have kicked Chandler in the face :) So, needless to say this baby's name won't be Gus, but hey, it works for a nickname until Marsh & I agree on a name :)
Friday, September 7, 2007
Pudding...yum yum yum!
So in doing this post, I am reminded of a song my mom always used to sing:
"Oh the big red letter stands for the Jello company!
Oh the big red letter stands for the Jello company!
Jello, Jello - Yum yum yum,
Jello, Pudding - yum yum yum
Try all three!"
I'm wondering how many of you have ever heard that song? Today was like any other ordinary day. Chandler was enjoying his lunch of chicken nuggets & apples. I decided he needed some pudding and he was obviously ok with this. He's doing really well eating with a spoong lately and has become a pretty independent eater. I left him alone for a few minutes, and here's what I came back to: He was happy, messy & thrilled at the fact that he would be getting in the bathtub!
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Labor Day Weekend
Wow, what a weekend! We had big plans to do lots of things, but ended up not getting to do as much as we would have liked. Saturday, Marshall & I planned on going to the temple. We were both
up for quite a while on Friday night as neither of us felt very well. Saturday included upset stomach, nausea, headaches, & body aches. Luckily, Chandler didn't get it, but he did get to watch a whole lot of tv that day. Sunday we still weren't feeling great. Yesterday, my mom & dad asked if we wanted to go to the state fair with them. We decided that we were feeling well enough to go so we thought it would be a good idea to go down. Chandler really wanted to ride next to grandpa in the Yukon - wishful thinking :) We got down there at about 6:30 and boy was it hot! We looked at the animals & although Chandler was intruiged, the smell was getting to me. So, onto the commercial booths and best of all - the FOOD. Marshall had a huge double cheeseburger & I settled for some fries and
a frozen lemonade. We wandered around more & Chandler rode the carousel with dad. Yeah, and it cost $5. That's the fair ripoff for you. We honestly go to the fair for the food, so before we left, we had a tiger's ear (huge yummy scone w/honey butter), cotton candy, & a huge, HUGE ice cream cone which Chandler is proudly displaying in a few of these pictures. Chandler was hilarous with cotton candy. It was the first time he'd ever eaten it and I don't think he was a big fan. We had to force him to try it and even then I don't think he could understand why he was eating something that looked like cotton, lol. He kept throwing it on the ground and ended up with a blue beard of cotton candy.
My stomach didn't feel very good after all this fair food, but I kept pushing it off, thinking I would be fine. We decided to leave at about 10 and headed to the car to go home. After being in the car for a whole
5 minutes, I knew that fair food wasn't going to stay put. I asked my mom if she had something I could throw up in and everyone started scrambling around the car to see what they could find. My mom found some gallon sized ziplock bags that she keeps in the car for grandma. (After taking grandma on a few different trips and having her get sick, my mom was sure to be prepared) I didn't want to gross anyone out, so Marshall suggested we put some music on to block out the gagging...he suggested "something soothing" As soon as I felt the urge, my dad turned on the radio and out blasted "Fun fun fun" by the Beach Boys. You would not believe how loud it was. It wasn't exactly the "soothing" music I was hoping for. Everyone was laughing hysterically, & I was puking like crazy into this bag while crying & laughing at the same time. I finally looked over at Marshall with tear streaked cheeks & puke all over my face and he just laughed harder. Chandler couldn't figure out why everyone was laughing, but was forcing himself to fake laugh. We stopped to dispose of the bag, which I'm sure had EVERYTHING I had eaten that night in it, got a bottle of water and headed on our merry way. I felt great the rest of the ride and don't want to go back to the fair until next year.....
up for quite a while on Friday night as neither of us felt very well. Saturday included upset stomach, nausea, headaches, & body aches. Luckily, Chandler didn't get it, but he did get to watch a whole lot of tv that day. Sunday we still weren't feeling great. Yesterday, my mom & dad asked if we wanted to go to the state fair with them. We decided that we were feeling well enough to go so we thought it would be a good idea to go down. Chandler really wanted to ride next to grandpa in the Yukon - wishful thinking :) We got down there at about 6:30 and boy was it hot! We looked at the animals & although Chandler was intruiged, the smell was getting to me. So, onto the commercial booths and best of all - the FOOD. Marshall had a huge double cheeseburger & I settled for some fries and
My stomach didn't feel very good after all this fair food, but I kept pushing it off, thinking I would be fine. We decided to leave at about 10 and headed to the car to go home. After being in the car for a whole
Check out this ice cream cone!
My goofy mom & dad
Blue Beard
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