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So I know the majority of this blog is about Chandler, but when I spend just about every waking moment with him and he's doing funny things all of the time, I just can't help it. This video is from Saturday. We'd tried to get him to go down for a nap a couple times and finally we just put a movie on and he fell asleep, he couldn't fight it anymore. I almost dread naptime & bedtime until Chan is asleep because it's so hard to get him down. (Mostly for bed at night) If we're lucky, it takes half hour to get him to sleep. On a not so lucky night, it's 2 hours. We've tried just about everything, and Marshall and I can't stand to hear him scream and cry for more than about 10 minutes. It's easy to hear everything in our apartment and I'm sure our neighbors don't appreciate it. Oh well, maybe it's just a phase.
Ha, that's funny of him falling asleep. Logan is good at going to bed, sometimes during his name we'll catch him playing with his toys when he should be sleeping, but he doesn't make any noise when he does that. Ever try any Super nanny's tricks?
He couldn't go to sleep because he was so excited he got to play with his aunt Avry in his bedroom for 2 hours before that! Glad he finally got a nap in.. he was TIRED!! It was good seeing you guys this weekend.
cute! As always. Good Luck !
I was laughing so hard.. he is so cute!!!
sorry to hear that he doesn't go to bed so easy..
i've always been lucky in that area.. both my girls sleep well. Now Bia would be tired by 7 pm.
my kids take forever to go to sleep as well. I had to have them scream it out quite a bit.
I agree with the "Super Nanny" tricks. Try those and see if they help.
Ear plugs. It sounds mean, but it works. Better with the second child than the first, because with the first you feel bad for them. ;-)
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