When Marsh and I got married, we decided we wanted to invest in a good TV. Alas, we bought a Sony. We paid over $300 for a 27" and were confident it would last us for a long time. About a year ago, our tv became developed a temper. It started turning off whenever it felt like it. This was frustrating when we wanted to watch a movie, etc. We decided in February to take it in to be fixed. 2 months & $65 later, we got our tv back. We watched it for about an hour and it started turning off again. The place that supposedly fixed it said that they had a 3 month guarantee. We took our tv back as it obviously was not fixed. In the meantime, they loaned us a small tv which had to be at least 20-25 years old. The brand was "JcPenney" LOL at that one! At least it worked. After this place had our tv for another 4 months we decided to call and see what was going on. They said they still hadn't figured it out and would call us when it was fixed. Another month passed and the guy who was fixing it called us and said we would need to put another $200 into the tv to get fixed. WHATEVER! We went and got it, saying we could deal with the problem. They didn't refund us any of the money we paid at first and I will never take anything back to that place. So we've had our tv for about a month and I'd had it. It would turn off every few minutes and I couldn't handle it. I started looking around on the BYU-Idaho bulletin to see if there was anything worthwhile. My sister suggested I look on craigslist, but we don't have one for this area. I decided to try to look anyway and was pleasantly surprised to find that craigslist is now serving Eastern Idaho. The very top post was a big screen 47" tv that someone in Pocatello was selling for $150. It is an older tv, probably 10-15 years but we decided to jump on it. I called the owner to talk to them about it and they e-mailed me pics. Yesterday we decided to go for it and Marshall loaded up his truck bringing along his dad & brother. Below, you see the end result of what we got. We are really excited and happy to have found such a great deal. Woohoo!

Yay!! Now Chandler won't throw a fit when Buzz gets turned off on him! Looks like a nice t.v. Tiff!
Yay! I am a craigslist addict...seriously. It is HUGE in Houson and you can find anything.
You are FAR nicer than Devin and I because I guarantee that we wouldn't have taken "no" for an answer from that repair place. I HATE it when stuff like that happens.
Cool TV though, congrats.
I hate getting things fixed, especially when you went for the nicer one. Good find on the TV, craiglist is great!
Woohoo! That's what I'm talking about! Life without t.v. is just plain miserable. Now aren't you glad you listened to your sister? ;-)
Awesome deal! Congrats on the big TV, you have a very lucky husband.
wow that is a great deal!
I never checked craig's list but I will when we move back to the states!
Nice looking TV. Now Marshall will want me to play golf on it.
I love Craig's List. Congrats on the new TV and sorry about your awful experience at the repair place. That's crazy they spent months and months working on it... lame.
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