1) "You haven't had that baby yet?" Response in my head, "Yeah, actually I have - this is just an 8 lb tumor I'm carrying around....what do you think?"
2) "You are really big!" Me: "No kidding? I only live with this belly!"
3) "Enjoy your sleep/time because you'll never get any once that baby arrives!" Me: I already have a 2 year old and work nights....uhm - hello?!"
4) "That baby looks like it is going to fall out!" Me: "Easier said than done - he hasn't "fallen out" yet...."
5) "Are you pregnant or just fat?" Me: "At this one, I don't know what even to say, who would say that to anyone?"
So maybe I shouldn't be blogging when I'm in a bad sarcastic mood, lol
I'm done.......for now.
Off to walk on the treadmill until my back & feet ache.....
Yes it is sad when the ticker says 0 days to go. Hopefully soon though! He can't stay in there forever. Or can he?...
I am so sorry, I know how you feel. I cried when I went over with Carson.
At least you are still funny! Hilarious post, it made me laugh so hard! He'll be here before you know it, hopefully... :-)
ARGH!!!! I remember those comments all too well. Nothing like those comments to put you in a fowl mood. People say really dumb things. Hang in there!
It it is Thus, only couple more days to go. At least you know he'll be here this week, one way or another!
hang in there!
Dang it. I do feel bad for you, I have 3 weeks left and i'm ready today. Sorry!
tiff- i am sorry, poor thing!! i hope that ya'll are good. chandler is so dang cute. hopefully i will see you at the library or broulims soon. i kinda like running into you!!
Tiffany, I was sick of those exact same comments the last few weeks of my pregnancy... they are SO annoying, I totally agree! You'll have to send me your email address so I can invite you to our blog b/c I changed it to invite only. My email is erinmriley@gmail.com.
Hey guys! If you didn't notice I had your name for Christmas, and I do have something for you, but I just haven't sent it. You should send me your address (absofsteel@hotmail.com)
I hope that we hear about the arrival of your little one soon.
Check out our newly started blog:
Thanks for making me laugh. Love you.
good luck girl. you make me laugh cause those are true comments that people make to all pregant people. oh those people.
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