I was beginning to feel a little worried about my "super pooper" baby as he hadn't gone in 5 days. This is really weird for him and I was contemplating calling the dr.'s office. Today I was actually excited when I picked up him and realized he was poopy. Here's what he treated us to when I took his little sweats off....

Guess he was saving it ALLLLL up. He sure was a happy baby after we took that diaper off and cleaned him up. It was funny how he was hanging out on the changing table. He was just looking around smiling & chilling with one hand on the side of the table and one hand on his knee. Pretty cute kid.
Uh.. thanks for that Tiff. If I had only known sooner what I was about to see.
Oh my goodness, how funny! I bet Rowan felt better after all that!
Hahahahahaha! I have never had the joy of such a blow-out, thankfully! Not to say that I haven't worn my own fair share of baby poop in one way or another, but no blow-outs. I love the pics. Colorful, to say the least.
that was hilarious!!
AH blowouts! Ya gotta love them! What's worse that or potty training?
I am glad I was forewarned about the blow-out picture. lol. Glad you could share with us. lol. Hey you should check out my blog if ya get a chance, I am making a quilt and I posted of picture of it! :)
There is the address! :)
Isn't it funny that poop isn't that disgusting when it comes from a little baby!! We're glad Jack is done with those kind of blowouts!
oh, that was a little on the gross site when i first saw it. but its happened to us all.
Logan went 10 days once without pooping and then we were flying to Utah and he decided to let loose while on the plane. Yup.
My first words out of my mouth, "Ohhh man! Hahahahah"
Got to love those moments, at least you were at home. Now to Steph I have to say, confessing that such a joys hasn't come into her life, could mean trouble for her in the future...better knock on wood!!
Your boys are adorable!
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