Today we had a playdate with one of my best friends from high school, Shelli. She lives here in Rigby with her two girls, Shayli (almost 4) & Teri (19 months). Chan was excited to get out and while we were there Shelli's sister came by with her little boy that is only a month older than Chandler. Chan played hard and we left at about 1:15. We came home, had some lunch and I could tell he was tired. Chan's in a pretty good routine now and goes down for a nap at around 1:30 most days. These last few days he's started to fight me at nap time and at bedtime as well. I put him in bed and then he jumps out. I put him back in and he just giggles hysterically. Well, about the 10th time I put him in he decided he didn't want to take a nap even though he was rubbing his eyes and yawning. I tried to put him in bed one more time and he pulled away from me causing him to fall. He sleeps on a futon right now so at the end of the bed, there is a wood which is the arm rest when it is a couch. He hit his head really hard and started screaming. Chan's a pretty tough kid and doesn't cry very long when he gets hurt. After about a minute, I knew he hit his head pretty hard and I wanted to get a closer look. He had a huge goose egg at the top of his nose. I went to get some ice when I noticed the middle of his nose turning purple. He just wanted me to hold him and instead of letting me put the ice on his head, he just wanted to eat it. I gave him some motrin and he started nodding off. I didn't want him to go to sleep just yet as he had hit his head pretty hard. So we ate huge bowls of ice cream with m&m's & magic shell. After he was done he looked at me with these huge eyes and said, "Tuart - mouse...tuart...mouse." One of his favorite shows right now is Stuart Little. He watched his movie for a while and started falling asleep on his toy chest. An hour and a half later, I figured he was ok to go down for a nap. I'm wondering if his nose is broken? I thought about taking him to the dr. but I don't think they would do anything for him so we'll just wait it out I guess. My poor baby....
Poor kid! Are you going to take him in to have the doctor look at it? OUCH!
Also, I wish I could have been at your playdate. ;-(
Little stinker! Kids always get hurt in the dumbest ways. Tiff even if his nose was broken they wouldn't really do anything for it. Hopefully the swelling will go down soon. Poor guy!
Poor little guy! Hope it isn't too serious.
it's a good thing he didn't brake it. those days are tough.. I'm glad he was able to calm down.
sorry to hear about that. hey, you guys should come by sometime if you want to get out. kids are usually home from school about 2:30 and all the kids play outside here. chandler would love it. let me know.
It looks painful! About an hour after I read this, Belle fell and has a black eye. Oh boy, the joys of toddlerhood!
ouch! O.K. Chandler's boxing Aunt doesn't think it is broken, but just badly swollen. :-) And there isn't a whole lot you can do other than keep some ice on it. Try Arnica oil (homeopathic) to speed up the healing of the bruise.
Owies! Dean has had so many spills but I know how you feel. I always secretly wonder what type of delayed brain damage he's going to have from his many gnarly goose eggs. The picture doesn't do it much justice, but when I look closely I can tell his little nose looks pretty bad. Poor guy - that would HURT! I hope his nose is okay. As for the head, my doc told me once (after Dean's millionth bad head injury) that it is actually less concerning when it forms an egg because swelling is the body's way of beginning to heal the wound. He said to be more concerned when an extremely hard fall doesn't form an egg because that could mean something's not right. So, goose egg = good. (But always worrisome.)
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