He really has grown a lot in the last 4 months.
After his appointment, we went over to see Grandma Nielson (my dad's mom) She has been living in an assisted living center for about a year and a half. She has taken a turn for the worse these last few days and can't even get out of bed. I wasn't prepared to see her and lost all control when I walked into her room. Seeing her there so vulnerable and so close to death was hard to see. Grandma woke up for a few minutes and reached for my hand. I just sat there and held her hand and let her hold little Rowan's hand too. Grandma adores babies and I couldn't help but thing about life long and hard while watched Rowan clutching onto a couple of her fingers. It was eye opening to see someone who just came into the world a few months ago and someone who doesn't have much time left in this world. Part of me wants to see her go so she can be with my grandpa who passed in December 2005. She has sleep apnea episodes where she won't breathe for 30 seconds and just looks past you when she is awake. My mom was reading to me a pamphlet the hospice nurse had given her last night and grandma's body is clearly shutting down. I know I don't often get too serious with my posts but I am really very grateful for the knowledge we have in this life and know today was a testimony builder for me.
i was watching Rowan in church yesterday and he seams so grown up, so content. What did you do to help with the teething? I think arora is starting to teeth too.
Sorry about your Grandma. It is so nice to have a testimony of the gospel and to know there is an eternal plan.
I can't believe how fast our babies are growing up!!!
That is so neat he still has a shirt from when he was a little boy. Why didn't we all save our cool shirts?!
Tiff I am glad you got to go see Grandma. She is pretty much the only grandma we have known & she is such an amazing woman. As her life comes to a close it makes me remember all the good memories I had with her.
The boys look cute as always and it is funny how they don't really look anything alike but they are both so stinkin cute! :)
I wish I was close like you to stop in an hold Grandma's hand. These past few days I have really been a bit blue and nostalgic thinking that Grandma may go at any time. Man I love Grandma!
As for Rowan, he totally sounds like my girls. They both got their first two bottom teeth at 4 months. First time he bites you, flick him, he won't do it again. LOL Charlise was a biter.
Both boys are cute!
man your little guy is getting so big. man time flys when they aren't your kid. what are your plans now?
4 months old? How is that possible! He is such a cute little guy! And I'm so sorry to hear about your Grandma. I'm sure you will miss her like crazy, but think of how happy she will be, and how fast she'll be able to run!
Oh, and I miss you. I need to plan a trip up there...
I can't believe Rowan is so big already. It's crazy how fast they grow up. We are looking forward to seeing you guys when we come out to Idaho in a month.
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