* Says: "So cute!" to almost everything, especially his little brother.
* Loves to wrap up in his duck blanket and say, "I so warm!"
*Doesn't exactly love smiling for the camera...
* Is putting sentences together. Example - the other day he found a cough drop and said, "Wow - I found a candy!" -Proud moment :)
*He's settled into our new place and goes to bed quickly and without complaining
*Takes about a 2 hour nap everyday, give or take
*Wants to eat Cinnamon Toast Crunch and Cookie Crisp for every meal. (Yes I buy him lots of sugary cereal)
*Is wearing size 3T shorts & tops and is almost in a size 9 shoe
*Is rolling front to back and back to front
*Wears 6-12 month clothes
*Sits up well by himself
*Likes fresh fruits and ice cubes in his fresh food feeder
*Starting to eat fruit & veggie puffs
*Started "trying" to drink out of a sippy cup
*Is still waking up 4-6 times at night - yes I am tired
*6 months old!
*Is looking more like his daddy. I was looking at a few of Marshall's baby pics the other day and realized that Rowan has the same eyes and face shape as Marsh.
Wow, is Rowan really 6 months already? I guess so because Jonas is going to be 2 months...where does the time go? He looks so big sitting up all by himself! BTW, I have the same Boppy cover...Target special??
So jealous! He has teeth? Eli still looks like a toothless old man. :O)
It's good you are blogging these things, as it makes a nice record to refer back to when you forget how old they were when they did certain things. Believe me, you will forget. LOL
Give the boys a squeeze from me.
It was fun sleeping over last night.. YAWN although I am tired from Rowan waking up so much- I DON'T know how you do it. Thanks for letting me mug on your boys!
Your boys look like so much fun. They are adorable. I love those pictures of you guys from high school. Me & Lorin have some old ones like that . They are so fun to look back on. It was fun seeing you in the story the other day. Small world!
I thought I was the only mom of a six month old who is still up every 2 hours. Glad to hear arora isn't to weird that way. Rowan is so cute!
Rowan's hair is so long! What fun little boys.
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