Saturday, August 29, 2009

Workout Chan

I just go My Fitness Coach for our Wii.  (To support my Yo-Yo habit of exercising.)  I put on some workout clothes the other night and Chandler was adamant that he was going to work out too.  
Our conversation:
"I need some workout clothes mommy!"

"What do you want to wear?"

He rummages through one of my drawers and pulls out a sports bra.

"This one looks pretty good.  Let's go!"

So cute, I was trying not to laugh.  I'm sure he'll REALLY appreciate this picture when he gets older, but moms are there to embarrass their kids a bit, right?  I know my mom did it on occasion.  After all, my mom always told everyone that of all her kids I was her "VERY BEST nurser."  Great mom.  

He looks pretty strong :)

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Good Reads?

I finally finished The Host by Stephenie Meyer.  I'd been only reading it while at work so it took me a few weeks.  A few people that I had talked to really talked it down so I wasn't expecting much.  I must say I really liked it.  So now I'm on the lookout for some new books to check out and read while I'm at work.  Anyone know of a good series?  I keep telling myself I need to start reading the Harry Potter Series, but I'd need to borrow or check them out.  I need them to be fairly easy reads as it's hard for me to concentrate sometimes at 2 in the morning.

I'm also toying around with the idea of finding sponsors and doing a New Moon party, in conjunction with my Babes and Kids blog.  So if you live close to me and might be interested in making a girl's night of it, let me know.  I think the premiere is November 20th, and I assume it will be at midnight?  I seriously cannot wait. Pathetic, I know :)

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Great Start!

I woke up this morning to an e-mail that I had won a $500 gift card to Walmart for a giveaway I entered at My Wooden Spoon.  I had an ER visit last week that we are probably going to have to pay out of pocket, so this is a HUGE blessing.  Groceries for a few months to say the least! 

ETA:  Here is my cookies that I made and my Whrrl story that helped me win!

Powered by Whrrl

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Ice Cream

Nothing is better on a hot summer day than some ice cream with grandma puppy.  And a BIG Happy Birthday to my mom yesterday!

Monday, August 10, 2009


I was at work Saturday and got talking to one of the girls in registration.  She mentioned that she was in the nursing program and that IHC (Intermountain Health Care) is paying for all of it.  I guess as an employee of IHC if you sign a contract saying you'll stay with IHC for a year after you graduate, and continue to work at least 24 hours a week, they will pay for 100% of school.  If you don't, they still pay for 70%.  I'm sure many of you know that I was really wanting to do a Rad Tech/Ultrasound program after I graduated from BYU-Idaho.  I found out that IHC does cover it as an outreach of Salt Lake Community College.  The program is 6 semesters, and basically year round.  I'd start Fall of 2010 and be done in the Summer of 2012.   I did apply to the Rad Tech program at ISU my sophomore year of college.  To my dismay, they only accepted 8 students a year at the time and needless to say I didn't get in as I only had a 3.6. 
I wouldn't apply to the program at SLCC until this coming Spring but I am really wanting to do it.  Marshall and I have toyed around with the idea of him starting some sort of business to have him be at home with the kids while I go to school.  I know if I go back to school, I don't want the boys with babysitters all of the time.  He's being really supportive of the whole idea, which I knew he would be.  He's just awesome. Part of me feels extremely selfish as I know I should probably just stay home with my boys, and it would mean we probably wouldn't have another baby for quite some time, meaning Rowan would probably be 4 or so.  It's so weird that I'm really aching to go back to school, as I haven't really had the desire since I graduated BYU-I 4 1/2 years ago. I love healthcare, and working in the setting, but it's frustrating for me to be in the setting, doing paperwork, and hardly making anything when I have a 4 year degree.  Plus I'm really intrigued with ultrasound and would love to do something much more hands on.  I'm afraid of not getting in, or getting in and having it be really intense, but I'm tired of having regrets that I never did the program and I think now would be as good of time as ever.
I guess I've just been thinking a LOT about this the last couple days and needed to get my feelings off my chest.  Who knows what will actually end up happening, I may not go back to school at all, but I'm REALLY wanting to.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Guilty Pleasure

I tend to TRY not to drink caffeine.  That all went out the window when I started working nights.  I need to be able to function right?  I'm not a huge fan of diet soda, but the full leaded stuff has a ton of empty calories so I don't like to drink tons of that either.  I really like Coke Zero because it tastes more like original coke.  I bought some Vanilla Coke Zero the other day and I think I'm in love. YUM.  What's your guilty pleasure?

Monday, August 3, 2009


Rowan is such a silly little boy.  These are Chandler's goggles, and Row thinks he's so cool when he's wearing them.  

We're also trying to recoup from weekend; I worked most of it and the boys have had horrible colds.  We are headed up to Idaho tomorrow too.  I'm kind of sad to be going without Marshall, but my mom was desperately trying to find someone to hostess for one of the Miss Idaho Falls pageant, so I guess I will be doing that.  I guess that's about it.  Sometimes it's hard to think of things to blog about or have the motivation.  Anyone feeling me on this one?