I tend to TRY not to drink caffeine. That all went out the window when I started working nights. I need to be able to function right? I'm not a huge fan of diet soda, but the full leaded stuff has a ton of empty calories so I don't like to drink tons of that either. I really like Coke Zero because it tastes more like original coke. I bought some Vanilla Coke Zero the other day and I think I'm in love. YUM. What's your guilty pleasure?
Easy! Cherry Coke Zero or Diet Wild Cherry Pepsi! Both are amazing!
you know mine. Diet pepsi!
I love Coke Zero :) I also like Sprite Zero...
Mine use to be Cherry Pepsi, but now that I have stopped giving into that temptation, I must say that I really like the juice filled lifesave chewy candy. YUMM
BTW my blog addy has changed. It is now www.here-is-to-hope.blogspot.com You will want to update your link
I hate soda. So, I think you're all weird. However, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Sonic's Strawberry Limeade Chillers!! Have you tried one? They are ridiculously good - which makes them ridiculously addictive. These better not be seasonal like that Blackberry Sprite was. Oh, how I miss those.
diet coke rules, but key lime clear excellence is a close second.
Gallons and gallons and gallons of Diet Pepsi. But you already know that.
Welcome to the dark side Tiff...
One time they had cherry chocolate Dr pepper so good the best float I ever had.
Coke zero or cherry zero.
I am nursing a cherry zero right now.
I never cared for vanilla zero. I do agree, the zero products are much better than the diet products. The flavor is much better.
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