Wednesday, October 14, 2009


This last week, I worked full time, just shifts that I have picked up. This week, it's overtime. 50 hours in 4 days is a LOT of work, and that doesn't include the 6 hours I've commuted during those days. I come home exhausted and want to sleep all day. I know Marsh is often thanking me for everything I do in our home, but I never realized how much it takes to work full time when you have family at home. Ever since we've been married, he comes home from work and is awesome at helping out and generally I throw the boys on him, because I've had enough for the day. I have a newfound respect these last couple weeks. I loved on the boys for about an hour today before I had to head back for another 12 hour shift. It's hard. I miss my little boys and Marsh too. So this is for you love. Thanks :)


Jeralee said...

That is a lot of work! I am sure you are exhausted. I am glad that you at least have a job and marketable skills. I would think it would be way worse if you didn't have your income coming in, if not only temporarily. Hang in there and know that it is temporary.

Marshall said...

I love you and am truly grateful for what you do for our family. I'm realizing what a job you've had just managing things at home- now with your work schedule in addition, I can't help but wonder if I'm not married to Super Woman. Now we just need to arrange that outfit for halloween. Gladys can you help?? ;) *

Camille said...

Marshall is right- you are superwoman! I'm so proud of you for being such a hard worker. Way to go, having the skills and ability to help your family out. All 3 of those boys are lucky to have you!

Sara Birch said...

Wow, 50 hours, that's a lot of work! What a blessing it is for you to have your job.

Avry said...

Aww Tiff you and Marshall are a Team. No matter what the situation spouses are there for one another. I think it may be a learning lesson in disguise to recognize what one another does for each other throughout the day. No matter if you work in or out of the home both are very draining in their own way. As Jeralee said hang in there & know that it won't always be this way! What a woman!! :)

Jason said...

Wow. Hang in there!

Janaca said...

You truly are amazing! I can barely keep things going and I'm not working outside the home right now...

Snedakers said...

You're an awesome example Tiff. You guys are such a great couple too :) We miss you guys so much!