Marsh and I had a pretty good heart to heart talk last night. It was really nice, and refreshing. It seems like we rarely have time to sit and talk, which should be a priority. Mostly about how we both deal with stress. It's not a new revelation to me, but I tend to bottle things up, until I explode, cry, get irritated and lose all motivation to do the things I'm supposed to. You would see that looking around my house today. Yesterday I was feeling it. I was tired, depressed, and laid on the couch for 4 hours in the afternoon while my boys watched movies. There was so much to do around my house, but I just lacked motivation. In talking last night, I'm not sure how things are going to work next semester when I have 24 hours of clinicals a week plus a day of classes, and then the semesters after that when I have 32 hours of clinicals, plus a day of classes. (Mind you, I work 24 hours a week on top of all of this.) Something has got to give. I can't handle never being home, never seeing my family, and constantly feeling the stress. Marsh asked me last night how I do it all. Blog, school, work, family, church calling, Scentsy, home. I thought about it for a minute and realized that I'm not incredibly happy. I love being busy, and I feel like I'm superwoman and can do it all, but it's too much. It just is. I've really struggled on and off with my primary calling the last few months. I find myself getting home at 2 am from work, to have to stay up another hour or two, just to get primary stuff done. Then I put on a happy face on Sunday and act like I'm not stressed, when really all I want to do is sleep and cry.
Like I said before, something has got to give. The way things look right now, I will be working every weekend from January on until I'm out of school. I don't think I can do it. I don't think it's healthy for me, or my relationship with Marshall and the boys. Marsh and I are going to look at things financially come Janaury and see if there isn't a way I can cut back to 1 day a week, or possibly go prn. I would forfeit my tuition reimbursement from IHC if I went below 24 hours a week, but that doesn't really compare to getting to spend time at home.
For now, I'm so glad to have a good husband that will listen and work with me. I'm really a lucky girl.
Just had a lot on my mind. Not sure how much of this made sense and how much I was just babbling to get some things off my chest. Oh well. I feel a tad better now. Maybe.