Obviously it's in the blood, I just am not the artsy/crafty kind. I'm more of a science minded girl obviously from what I majored in for my 4 year degree, and what I'm studying now.
However, I took on a cork board that was 15 years old and became a bit crafty. I'm not saying it was super hard to do, although Marshall helped me do it, but I'm quite pleased with how it turned out.
I've had this cork board since Jr. High. It was on the wall right by my door, went with me to college, and has been in our home ever since. About a month ago, we painted an accent wall to cover up a beautiful permanent marker job Rowan had done on one of our kitchen walls. Marshall suggested we get a new cork board for pictures. I started looking around, and all of the ones that I liked were $30-$40 for cork boards that were half the size of mine. After finding a few patterns, and getting a feel for what I liked, I headed to JoAnn's to get fabric, ribbon, etc. I painted the outside of the frame, and then did the inside with fabric and sheer ribbon. It took Marsh and I about an hour to do, and I only spent $14 out of pocket. Not too bad for a board that is 15 years old. :) (If you don't see your picture on the board, chances are my 2 year old poked your eyes out with a push pin. Sadly, that is the truth. I couldn't justify putting pictures up with holes all over them. All the more reason to send me a Christmas card this year!)

Nice! I see my picture on there.
WTG on updating something and making it beautiful! I have many of those same pictures on my corkboards hanging over my computer... LOL
Nicely done!! It looks great. I wish I were more crafty and creative...you've given me hope. :)
That is really cute! Thanks for the Christmas gift idea!
Hooray! My eyes haven't been poked out! Turned out great!
well it looks like my eyes were poked out. Or maybe there never was a picture of me:)
@mom - guess that's your cue to get me a picture, stat!
I like the wall color, and the cork board is super cute!
Looks great! Love the wall color.
I wish I was crafty as this, beautiful work (: If you can do all this and be a Mom you must be quite the busy bee!
Yipee! you did it and it turned out awesome!
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