You might think I'm weird, or even a little gross for posting this, but oh well. Of course if you are reading this blog, chances are you are already my friend or a family member and read even when I post dumb/gross/weird things. On with it already, right? When I ran my half marathon in June, my one big toenail was just a tad too long. It throbbed for 2 days after. Turned purple, and it's been in the process of coming off for 5 months now. The other day before church, I dropped a binder on my toe and the nail pretty much came off. This is what was underneath. It looks like I had another nail growing underneath the nail. Pedicure anyone? (I made sure to make the picture super big for your viewing enjoyment.)

Reminds me of a sign I saw when I ran my marathon, "Toenails are for sissies." I agree. It is quite pretty as well. ;) Now that it's getting cooler, I haven't been running much. I so want a treadmill and find myself dreaming of one...
I promise I won't leave this post up at the top for too long. The picture is quite beautiful, but there's some birthday pictures and videos I need to edit.
i dropped a chair on my toe a year ago, and mine did the same thing! it's almost back to normal now :)
I knew that we were related. We both like posting nasty pictures of our wounds.
That toe is totally sexy, you know.
I have had a few fallen off. The last time I put an acrylic on during the summer so it didn't look so bad with sandals.
You should have posted a recorded a video of you finally peeling it off w/ some slides and background music. I would have really enjoyed that.
Ouchie!! Toes are not pretty anyway....atleast yours has charachter! ;)
I laughed right out loud when I saw this. I had the same problem when I did my 1/2 this year. My toenails are almost back to normal. I got a pedicure and just wanted to apologize to the guy for my 4 funky toenails. I'm glad it's on the healing side of things. :)
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