This top video is compiled of all the other videos we took while there. You'll get to see Marshall doing some awesome dancing at the Authentic Bahamian Bonfire/dinner we went to on Tuesday night. The one where he is showcasing his knees is the "sexy knees contest." (You'll just have to watch to see.)
Bahamian Bonfire & Dinner, Tuesday night.

Wednesday, we spent the day at Taino Beach.
A Conch, notice his funny eyes?

Building a sandcastle

Riding the paddleboats

Starfish Marshall found at Taino Beach

These are our friends Barry & Betty. The stayed at the same hotel, happened to go to Garden of the Groves the same day, and were at the Bonfire with us. Funny, they booked the same cheap vacation on expedia as us back in February. They were from New York, newly engaged. We hung out at Taino Beach together on Wednesday and went to dinner that night at a yummy Greek place in Port Lucaya.

The one day we walked to the grocery store, we noticed this. It's VERY Special K. :)

One day we went to the beach to see the Sunrise.

Last day before we left, I think this was Friday. Feeling a bit silly at lunch.

Soaking in the sun.

Marshall, the snorkeling king. I don't really like to snorkel, I don't like the idea of things touching me.

The night before we left, they put all of these fun Christmas lights up at Port Lucaya.

In the airport at Dallas. We had $10 left from our entire vacation, and decided to feast upon this deliciousness.


And there you have it! Interestingly enough we noted that a LOT of people there were older, like 70's. Marshall and I decided that we don't want to spend and save our whole lives just so we can travel when we're old. I will watch the deals, we can stay in old hotels, and travel together...provided we get a tax return each year. ;)
1 comment:
and as you watch those deals you will let your awesome sister know about them too right?? It was fun to see Port Lucya all decorated! looks like they did a good job! ahh bliss in the Bahamas! :)
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