We didn't do much for his birthday just because the boys are constantly getting new toys with blogging. I did find him a zhu zhu pet for $4 with a little set. He was so cute and happy with it.

We next headed to McDonalds, which wouldn't be my choice, but it definitely hits the top of the list for Rowan. We were going to try to go see Megamind at the dollar theater and hyped the boys up to see it. We got there right when is was supposed to start, and it was sold out? The boys were so sad and couldn't figure out why we had to leave. Instead we headed to Target and let them play in the toy aisle for an hour. Kinda tacky, but who cares.
At 3 Rowan:
Is starting to talk much more, in sentences and says the funniest things
Loves to draw and color
Likes to eat: Honey sandwiches, Pepsi (if he gets ahold of it.), oatmeal & cereal, broccoli, hamburgers, apples
Loves animals, especially my sister's dog Martini. (Even if he isn't always nice to her.)
Is about ready for potty training. He likes to put on Chan's clothes and underwear. Come spring break, guess that's what we'll be doing.
Likes to look at books with little or no words. Aka scriptures, manuals, textbooks. Funny boy.
I'll second that on the loving the animals part. Whenever he is over he spends a lot of time chasing my cat around! I know what you mean about Chandler seeming so much older at three because that's how I feel about Carson! Maybe its just a first born thing?
I feel the same way about Jake, I baby him a lot more than I did Claire at his age. HAPPY BIRTHDAYS! Sorry I didn't even get a text sent out. Hope you all had good birthdays!!
Happy Birthday to Rowan! Can't believe your baby is 3. When Jordan turned 2 we put him in a big boy bed and he seemed so grown up to me. Jackson will be 2 next month and I'm not planning on him leaving his crib anytime soon. Seems weird we did that with Jordan at that age but I don't feel ready at all with Jackson!
He is still a baby! Enjoy him! I can't believe he is 3 already! WOW.. He LOVES Martini & would play with her all day if he could get her to!
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