I still am not done blogging our Bear Lake trip, Marshall went up with the boys camping for a few days, and Chan starts school tomorrow, so I'm behind on a lot of blogging. However, I wanted to sit down and get out some of my thoughts on a new semester.
I quit my job about 3 weeks ago. Actually I went prn which means I can pick up if I want to. I am so enjoying not working graves and having my body in a regular rhythm. I am thankful for a good hubby who basically told me to quit when I saw my fall syllabus and almost had a nervous breakdown. I worked my last night on the 19th. Things definitely have a way of working themselves out. I'm making almost as much monthly with my Babes and Kids blog as I would be working at the hospital, so that income won't be missed too much.
This semester, I'm in my specials rotation with 1 general day a week. The first 6 weeks, I am up at Primary Childrens. It's been a good experience so far, but it's always hard when you are the newbie somewhere. I'm getting used to that a lot since this is the 5th hospital I've been to. I'm not getting to scan at all, it's mostly observing, but I'm hoping as I'm there longer that I'll get chances to scan. My one general day is with my preceptor I had my second semester and I'm excited to be back with her. I will also be going to breast care and inpatient at IMC this semester. I'm currently doing 32 hours of clinical a week, along with 1 day of classes. My classes are an ethics and vascular class which are 8 hours of coursework. Needless to say, it's staying pretty busy. I'm still loving ultrasound and know it was a good decision. There is a possibility that I could get hired on before I graduate which I am crossing my fingers on.
Since Chandler is starting kindergarten tomorrow, it's going to be a juggling act with the boys this year. I am in clinic and class 4 days a week, so on those days Marshall will take him to school, and then my friend that lives across the street will bring him home and he will be there for the afternoon. Rowan is back at the Eccles lab, where he and Chan were last Spring. He's loving it and jumped right back into being in preschool there. I love his teachers and know he is in good hands. The only bad thing - we're feeling the sickies already. Rowan woke up with a fever of 102 today, and I'm sure he picked it up Friday at school. Thankfully Marsh is staying home with them today so that I can go to my first day of lecture and clinical the second half of the day.
I'm feeling torn about Chandler starting school. His teacher is really awesome, and he did quite well in his kindergarten assessment. I'm just amazed that he's almost 6, and going to kindergarten. Where does the time go?
I got released from the Primary Presidency yesterday, it was bittersweet. I only served there for 20 months, but I think the Lord is mindful of how crazy my life is right now. I'm going to continue serving in Primary as the Teacher Coordinator though.
I'm still running a lot and am training for a half marathon October 8th. I set a goal time to finish in under 2 hours and 10 minutes, and I think I just might get there. I'm running faster than I was last summer and that's exciting! Marshall is signed up to run the dirty dash this next month with his work group. (It's a 10K mud run.) That will be fun to watch. :)
I guess I have to get back into the taking it one day at a time so that I don't feel overwhelmed. I've always been blessed with how much Marshall does around the house. He cooks, cleans, will do laundry, take care of the boys. It sure makes everything go smoother. His job has also been very flexible which has been a huge blessing.
I guess that's it for random ramblings....