Health and fitness are always something that have been important to me. It's become even that much more important and eye opening to me as I've dealt more and more with patient care, and seen others with health problems. In December I decided I wanted to be more consistent with my exercise. I made a goal to exercise at least 4 times a week. In January, I signed up for a half marathon as part of a Slim-Fast goal. My goal is to finish in 2 hours which I definitely think is attainable. Then this last month, I started doing some research on organic eating. After reading quite a bit, we are making a change to eat at least 50% of our food organic. I can't help but think what we take into our bodies when animals are treated inhumanely, fruits and vegetables are sprayed over and over with pesticides. I think my turning point was in the store one day. I picked up a package of boneless skinless chicken breast and was actually disgusted at how thick it was. A lot of foods we eat are artificially, chemically, synthetically and genetically produced which can't be good either, right? I've also read a lot of studies where organic foods actually retain more nutrition and are better for you. For example - an apple grown organically has about 25% more nutrition than one that isn't grown organically. At this point in our lives, we aren't able to eat all organic foods due to cost, but I've switched over to only buying organic chicken, beef, and fruits and vegetables where we eat the skins, and eggs. If I find organic milk at a good price, I will buy that too. My hope is that more people see the benefit of buying organic and start doing it. Pricing would go down a lot which would help us eat a lot healthier. I think Marshall is about 50% on the bandwagon but part of him is skeptical. Although I'd love to be 100% organic, I love knowing that we are making some changes.
So we are eating better, and I've actually kept my goal of exercising at least 4 times a week for well over 3 months! I used to be more sporadic, and it feels good to be consistent. Most weeks I workout 5-6 days and I've noticed great gradual changes with my body and energy. I've lost 5 lbs since the beginning of January and am feeling so so good. This last week, I was looking at our summer and what would be happening. In May, I'm heading to Pensacola, FL for a blogger retreat. I will be graduating the end of July, going to Blogher with my sister in NYC the first of August, taking the boys to Disney the 2nd week of August. Here's the part where I decided I might be crazy. I've run a full marathon and it wasn't fun. I've never hurt so badly in my life than I did the last 5 miles of that marathon. However, I think I'm in better shape even now than I was when I ran my marathon. After talking with my brother about how cool the Rock N' Roll Marathons are, we decided to run one in Denver in September. I am so excited and scared at the same time, but I'm signed up! I said I'd never do another one, but I also wanted to be in really great shape before we tried for another baby this Fall/Winter. I know that this will push me to where I need to be.

I just might be crazy....but oh well. ;)